April 2019

Found 2 blog entries for April 2019.

5 Types of Green Insulation for Your HomeWhen people think about green homes, they typically think about smart devices like thermostats or double paned windows, but there’s many ways homeowners can make their home a bit more eco-friendly. These days, homeowners can even choose insulation for their home that is made from renewable materials or can be recycled in the future. Selling a home that is green often sell faster and for more money. Here are some of the different green insulation types homeowners can pick from.

1. Wool Insulation

Some homeowners are familiar with wool as a green alternative for carpet, but it can also be used as insulation. Wool comes most commonly from sheep, llamas, alpacas, and a regular sheering helps keep them healthy and happy, so there isn’t any harm in

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How To Look For Insects in Your HomeMost homeowners are used to the occasional creepy-crawly in their home. Maybe a spider has made its home in the corner of a bedroom or a cricket hopped inside while a door was open. However, while a spider or a cricket can easily be picked up on a piece of paper and returned to the great outdoors, an infestation isn’t quite that easily managed. Homeowners should always be on the lookout for the signs of an infestation in their home to catch it as early on as possible, especially if they are selling their home. Here are some of the common pests found in homes and the signs they leave behind.

Signs of Crickets

Most people don’t associate crickets with infestations, but they can cause quite a lot of problems in homes if left unchecked. The first

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