How to live harmoniously with grizzly bears in Cochrane

Posted by on Tuesday, June 21st, 2016 at 12:31pm.

Recently a couple of big bears found their way to Cochrane via the Bow River Valley throwing residents into a grizzly tizzy.

One bear spent three hours tearing up a chicken coop, devouring a couple of its inhabitants.  It appeared in a neighbour’s yard the next day and chased a couple of German Shepherds up onto the deck of the home. Fortunately, the homeowner was able to get the dogs inside.  The bear spent some time wandering around in a garage.

Cochrane wildlife officers were able to trap the bear’s companion but weren’t able to find the chicken coop marauder but have set up traps and posted warning signs in the neighbourhood of Fireside in Cochrane.

Apart from the unfortunate demise of the chickens their habitat, no other major damage was done, although neighbourhood residents said that in the past compost bins and hot tubs have been damaged by bears.

Bears in Cochrane?

Although bears in Cochrane are unusual, they are known to follow the Bow River and appear on the valley floor.  This is bear habitat and unfortunately grizzly bears in particular throughout Western Canada are put down annually because they become a danger to people and property.  Bears have lived in river valleys for thousands of years and that’s not going to change, but we can change how we live and respond to them.

Why Do Bears Come Close to Us?

  1. People attract bears.  We create lovely smells that bring them to us, through careless garbage disposal or stored food.  They can smell stuff like this from far, far away.  Once they’ve tasted food from a human source, they remember.  Even after bears have been relocated hundreds of kilometres away, they remember when they dined and they sometimes show back up.
  2. Sometimes they come perilously close to human settlement because of other bears.  Adult male bears aren’t tolerant of younger males or females with cubs and their prescence in the forest may push them closer to use.
  3. Sick or older bears unable to source food may come close to populations because of easier food sources.
  4. If a bear’s natural source of food is scarce they will come closer to us because their hunger is greater than their fear of us.

Be Bear-Wise and Bear Proof

  • If you are concerned about bears in Cochrane, particularly between May and October each year, there are many things you can do to make your home and your hard less attractive.
  • Don’t keep pet food or livestock feed outside, even in the back of a truck.
  • Keep your barbecue clean and don’t leave the dripping pan outside.
  • Keep your garbage in an airtight bin that’s animal resistant.
  • Be aware that your compost or bee hive and chicken coop are bear food sources and you may want to keep them behind a strong, chain-link fence.
  • Spread lime on your compost to deaden the smell.
  • If you are on a large property or acreage, thin out the brush.
  • Later in summer, pick fruit from trees and bushes before it falls to the ground. In fact, pick it before it ripens.

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